Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Post for Your Sweet Tooth...(Part One)

**Edit--I previously had the cake cookie recipe as having 1 box of yellow cake mix, but it is 1 box of LEMON cake mix. Thanks Betsy :)

Alert the authorities: Kelly is updating! :) In this post there will be (in no particular order) a cherry pie, a pecan pie, a blackberry cobbler, and lemon cake cookies. Each one is simply delicious! Tonight I tried to make a yellow cake w/ chocolate icing, both from scratch. Didn't turn out so well. It's so awful, I'm not even going to post a picture. I mean, it tastes pretty good, but it looks horrible. Anyway.....All of the things I make are simple and easy, you won't find any super fancy stuff here...yet. I hope to upgrade my cooking/baking skills over time, but right now, we'll stick to the easy classics. Here we go!
I made these lemon cake cookies one night when I was feeling really snacky for something sweet, and I wanted to get rid of the lemon cake mix I had. Not only did Jonathan and I love them, Makenzzie enjoyed a few too!

Lemon Cake Cookies

1 box lemon cake mix
1 package cream cheese
1 egg
1/4 cup butter

Preheat oven to 375Mix butter (melted), cream cheese (softened at room temp.), and egg until well blended. Stir in the cake mix 1/3 at a time. (Seriously, doing this makes them so moist!) Cover batter and chill for 30 minutes in the fridge. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray. Scoop up a spoonful of the batter (which should be slightly firm and stick, not liquidy) and roll into a ball with your hands then place on the cookie sheet. Do this with the entire batch. (It took me two pans full to cook the entire batch).  Bake for 10 minutes or so until the cookies are slightly browned on the bottom. I didn't do it, but I suggest sprinkling a little powdered sugar on top. Enjoy!

These cookies are so yummy! And they stayed pretty fresh for about a week. Go ahead, make some :)

Ok so, I LOVE cherry pie. I don't know why, I just do. And Jonathan doesn't like it! So as we were grocery shopping a couple weeks ago, I got Jiffy pie mix and cherry filling! It was so very delicious.

Cherry Pie

1 Box Jiffy Pie Crust mix
1 can cherry pie filling (whichever brand you want, we got great value :)

Make pie crust according to the box. Spray pie pan with cooking spray then place dough in pan, cutting off excess around the edge. Pour can of filling into crust, then top with top layer of crust. Trim the excess dough and pinch edges together to create a seal. Using a sharp knife, create a few slits in the middle of the pie for vent holes. Bake according to crust mix box. Let it cool slightly then enjoy! (Ok ok, so this is the easy pie way out, but hey, I technically made that crust by hand! :)

Nom nom! This cherry pie was so delicious. Jonathan actually had a few pieces so it must have been good! Go ahead, make one! :)

I still have a pecan pie and blackberry cobbler to post (along with a delicious pork chop dinner) but it's getting late, so I'll post some more tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed the post!


Unknown said...

Hey that pie looks good..even though I don't like cherries lol. Good Job! I am very proud. The lemon cookies look good too!

Betsy Allen said...

Looks delicious! Quick question, though: what makes the lemon cake cookies lemon?

Kelly Gibson said...

Ah. It's supposed to say 1 box lemon cake mix, not yellow cake. Oh and Betsy, these cake cookies are totally gluten and barley free :) and because of that our niece Makenzzie really enjoyed them.

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